Fashion photography for GUAU!
Surfer clothing brand GUAU! asked Ben Welsh for there 2019 photo shoot collection. The photography was done in Tarifa, Cadiz, Andalusia....
Fashion photography for GUAU!
Surfing Tarifa.
Showreel 2019.
Love in Paradise.
Stunning real estate in Tarifa, Southern Spain.
Publicity commercial spot in Tarifa, Southern Spain.
How I filmed Storm "Emma".
MOEA Swimwear
Pablo Fernandez, co-founder and super swimmer.
Tarifa, personas compartiendo un Paraiso.
Bolonia, a Spanish treasure.
New Film by Ben Welsh. "Unidos Por El Mar".
"Super Woman" film by Ben Welsh.
The Hurricane Hotel, Tarifa.
Video of Hotel Punta Sur, Tarifa.
Welcome to Tarifa.